Join Us!The Oklahoma Horticultural Society was formed in 1970 to promote appreciation for and education of gardening and horticulture throughout Oklahoma. This nonprofit organization recognizes and promotes excellence in gardening and horticulture across Oklahoma and the United States. We are gardening enthusiasts and experts that meet to learn and grow!Enjoy the benefits of our statewide horticulture, gardening society: - Learn about the very best plants for our Southern Plains climate and new promising plants - Gain knowledge on growing – flowers – trees – shrubs – fruits – vegetables - herbs - Promote gardening and stimulate interest in horticulture across the state Members enjoy numerous benefits including: - the OHS monthly newsletter, with its articles written especially for Oklahoma gardeners, - Seed and plant giveaways - Monthly OHS meetings that bring members together for educational presentations and fellowship - Spring and Fall OHS Lecture Series with renowned state and national horticulturists - Special behind-the-scenes horticultural tours OHS supports horticulture and gardening education for: - Youth, through its OSU 4-H and FFA (Future Farmers of America) awards - Higher education horticulture students with scholarships at OSU - Stillwater and OSU - Oklahoma City - Adults and students, through monthly meetings and seasonal seminars - Everyone, through financial support of Oklahoma Gardening weekly TV show on OETA Join today and be a part of the most prestigious gardening association in Oklahoma! |